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Are you always organised?

Planning. You either love it or you hate it, am I right? Me two months ago would have told you the thought on planning made me feel sick to my stomach, but I never knew why.

It was anxiety playing on my mind, how overwhelming it is to see whats happening months and months in advance. But I changed my outlook on planning and now I can't go a day without it. Everything happening that month there on one page, everything you need to do that week on one page. Your whole life organised, there's no more stress of forgetting things when you've got a planner by your side.

I know how awful it seems at first, trust me I've been there. But when everything is organised you can take a step back, you can really focus on what you need to do on that particular day. What events you have on that week! Once you've got your base plan, you can start having fun with it. There are so many page templates and stickers out there it's insane, you can really make the experience your own.

So what planner should you use? Well that question is entirely up to you to decide what fits you best. I feel like i've tried everything at this point. Ranging from a traditional planner already set out for you, to a bullet journal and currently a digital planner. I found traditional planning very monotonous, there wasn't much freedom or any way to add in some creativity. Bullet Journalling is amazing, I still do it to this day although it is very time consuming if you are a busy person but allows you to have the time to have a weekly creativity outlet which I love.

Finally digital planning! As you all know I love anything digital, hence my entire platform being about studying digitally. I was recently gifted a digital planner by Everyday Plan and its the best thing I have ever come across. The aesthetics are perfect and the dark grey and pink really fits me as a person. I always have my iPad to hand, so having a digital planner is a life saver. Now everything really is in one place!

Now for the exciting part. If you are interested in purchasing any Everyday Plan dark planners you can use the code SDIGITAL25 for 25% off your purchase! The planners are undated and can be used year after year.

These are the planners:

The link here will apply the code for you:

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